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Homeopathy for warts and verrucae


Warts and verrucas can be stubborn and bothersome, even after multiple removal attempts. Depending on their placement, they may cause pain and disrupt your daily routine. This blog will present homoeopathic remedies for warts and verrucas.

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Close-up of two bare feet tiptoeing on a smooth wooden floor, with soft natural light and a serene, graceful mood.

Warts are caused by certain strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV). When HPV infects the skin cells, it causes them to grow rapidly, creating the small, rough bumps that we recognise as warts.

"Verrucae" is the plural form of "verruca," a medical term for warts. It’s often used to refer specifically to plantar warts (verrucae plantaris), which are warts that appear on the soles of the feet. Plantar warts can be particularly painful because they are subject to pressure from standing and walking, which may cause them to grow inward and develop a hard, thick layer of skin (a callus) over them.

Here’s how they typically develop and spread:

#1 - Why and how this happens?

1. Direct Contact with HPV

Skin-to-Skin Contact:

Warts can spread through direct contact with the skin of an infected person. For example, shaking hands with someone who has a wart on their hand might transfer the virus.


If you have a wart and touch or pick at it, you can spread the virus to other parts of your own body. For example, shaving over a wart can spread HPV to other areas.

2. Indirect Contact with Infected Surfaces

HPV can survive on surfaces, especially in warm and moist environments. You can catch the virus by touching surfaces contaminated by HPV, like:

Public Showers:

Walking barefoot in warm, moist environments like communal showers, gyms, or locker rooms can expose your feet to the virus, leading to pick-up HPV.

Shared items:

Sharing towels, socks, razors or shoes with someone who has warts or verrucas increases your chances of catching the virus.

3. Small Cuts or Damaged Skin

HPV tends to infect skin more easily if it enters through a small cut, scratch, or damaged area of skin. Areas with frequent friction, like hands, feet, or fingers, are especially vulnerable. For instance, people who bite their nails or pick at hangnails might notice warts appearing around their fingers or nails because damaged skin offers an entry point for the virus.

4. Weakened Immune System

Immune System Factors:

Not everyone exposed to HPV will develop a verruca. A person's immune system plays a big role in determining whether or not an infection leads to HPV. People with weakened immune systems, such as those with immune disorders, on immunosuppressive drugs, or with chronic illnesses, are more prone to warts because their bodies have a harder time fighting off HPV.

Children and Teens:

Verrucae are more common in young people because their immune systems are still developing, which may make it harder for them to resist HPV infections.

Why Some People Get Warts and Others Don’t

Not everyone exposed to HPV will develop warts. The likelihood depends on individual immune responses, the specific strain of HPV, and factors like skin condition and hygiene practices.

 #2 - Tips for prevention

HPV Thrive in Moisture

HPV thrives in warm, moist environments, which is why communal showers, locker rooms, and poolside areas are hotspots for infection. If the feet remain damp (for instance, in sweaty shoes or socks), they are more susceptible to infection.

Preventing HPV and Warts

  • Avoid touching or picking at warts to prevent them from spreading. This can spread the virus to other parts of the body or other people.

  • Wear flip-flops or shower shoes in communal showers and pools to reduce exposure.

  • Don’t share personal items like towels, socks, shoes, foot care items or razors, especially with someone who has HPV.

  • Keep hands clean, and cover any cuts with a bandage to reduce risk.

  • Keep Feet Clean and Dry: Regularly wash and thoroughly dry your feet, and change socks if they get sweaty.

#3 - General treatments

Treatment options are similar to those for other warts and include:

  • Over-the-counter salicylic Acid: Helps dissolve the wart tissue over time.

  • Cryotherapy: Freezing the wart with liquid nitrogen.

  • Laser Therapy: Sometimes used for stubborn cases.

  • Duct Tape Method: Sometimes effective for plantar warts.

  • Pumice Stone or Emery Board: Used to file down the wart carefully after soaking to reduce thickness.

#4 - Homeopathic remedies for Warts and verruca

If you are self-prescribing for warts and verrucae, homoeopathy can be utilised. Yet, if the symptoms persist, it is advisable to opt for a full consultation with a personalised prescription to address the underlying issue.

The following are commonly used remedies for warts and verrucae.


The most frequently used remedy for warts. Warts that are large, seedy, pedunculated, oozing moisture, and bleeding easily. Commonly found on the face, lips, nose, hands, and genitals.


Many warts can appear as large, seedy, jagged growths that easily ulcerate on the fingertips, nose, eyelids, and eyebrows.

Antimonium Crudum

Hardened warts or growths, with a texture resembling horn.

Smooth warts on the hands, fingers, soles of the feet, and eyelids.

Nitric Acid

Widespread warts that are sensitive and may cause splinter-like pains or be painless. The warts are large, jagged, and may bleed when touched or washed. They can appear on the face, lips, hands, inside the nose, fingers, genitals, and anus.

Arg Nit

Warts are commonly found on mucous membranes, such as in the larynx, mouth, palate, and throat, as well as on the fingers.

These growths can appear as warty granulations.

Calc Carb

Multiple warts, particularly those on the face and hands


Flat warts are large, smooth growths that can appear on the face and the palms of the hands.

If you want to know how to choose potency and dose in homoeopathy, please click here.

#5 - Additional items

Thuja tincture or cream

You can buy it at health stores, herbal shops, or homoeopathic pharmacies. The tincture or cream can be used topically on warts or verrucas.

 #5 - Conclusion

Most warts are harmless, though they can be bothersome or spread, so taking steps to avoid HPV contact can be helpful in keeping them at bay.

If the issue persists, it is advisable to opt for a full consultation with a customised treatment plan, as you might be prone to developing warts or verrucas. In such instances, it is essential to address the individual's overall health and well-being.

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Love and gratitude


Reference :

  • Murphy. R.(2006) Nature's Materia Medica. Third edition. Lotus Health Institute. Virginia. USA

  • Morrison. R. (1993) Desktop Guide To Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms. Hahnemann Clinic Publishing. California. The USA.

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