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Menopause and homeopathy


~Tips for making the turning point go smoothly~

keywords : hot flush, menopause, perimenopause, sweating, wise woman


Homeopathy is one of the fields that is often used to balance female hormones and during menopause.

Symptoms such as irritability, palpitations, hot flashes, hot flashes, dizziness, and insomnia are wide-ranging and vary greatly from person to person.

Menopause is rare in animals and is said to be unique to humans. Since the beginning of human history, every woman has grown older, although this is something that everyone has experienced at some point, we are treated seriously as if it were a disease.

Why do so many women suffer so much?

#1 - How to understand “menopause”

Many women are worried about menopause, and some data shows that more than half of women feel disappointed about reaching menopause.

There is a strong impression that one is getting older, such as "the ability to bear children has declined, and one no longer feels worth as a woman'', and one feels a "feeling of loss'' as if one has been labelled that says "you are no longer young''. It is said that many women are troubled by it.

Is it all we have to lose?

New perspective

Until now, "Women have held a certain number of eggs and ovulated each time they menstruated. Then, as they mature, as they get older, the quality of their eggs declines and they disappear again. ” has been said.

However, research on killer whales, which are mammals that also go through menopause, has revealed that this does not seem to be the case.

According to the study, "It appears that eggs continue to be produced, and when the time comes, they stop producing eggs.''

At a certain point, "menopause'' has arrived, and the ``best'' way for a species to maintain its offspring is to take care of the younger generation. There are also opinions that this is the case.

The human body is mysterious and there are still many unknown parts, and I would like to pay attention to future research.

Obtaining “freedom”

There is also the view that anxiety about "getting old'' is a "men's way of thinking.'' In many cultures, the "male-dominated'' state has continued for a long time.

There are also negative opinions on the idea of ​​focusing only on the "physical presence'' of women in the "prosperity of descendants,'' which refers to women as "giving birth to children.'' This is a way of thinking that only values ​​women for being "young'' and "having reproductive functions.''

Also, depending on the religion, menstrual periods are considered "unclean'' and are treated as distanced from their families. Some people seem to think that by reaching menopause, they will be freed from the shackles of men.

Symbol of "wisdom"

Menopause is also referred to as a "Wise Woman'' (a woman with a wealth of knowledge), and there is a way of saying that respects women's intelligence.

Paracelsus was born in 1493 and was an active Swiss physician, chemist, alchemist, and mystic thinker. He also said,

”A doctor must seek out old wives, Gypsies, sorcerers, wandering tribes, .... and learn from them”

There are also records here of respect for the knowledge of older women and tribes.

Additionally, in the West, there is a history of ``witch hunts,'' in which people who have used the wisdom of nature, such as plants, to heal people have been exterminated.

When we hear the word ``witch,'' in Japan, we imagine the "wicked witch'' who wears a black costume and appears in Disney stories such as ``Snow White'' and ``Sleeping Beauty.'' However, many of the people who were known as "witches'' were women, and it is said that they used the knowledge that had been passed down over many years to heal people.

Apparently, this "witch hunt'' in the West is said to have something to do with "a male-dominated religious background that viewed the existence of knowledgeable women as disrespectful.''

As mentioned above, if you do some research, you will find that the way we think about menopause has changed over time, and that it is not just about losing your youth.

Women accumulate the knowledge they need to survive from a different perspective than men. Please praise and be proud of the wealth of knowledge you have gained through your experiences and cultivated through ingenuity.

#2 - Symptoms of menopause that vary greatly from person to person

Symptoms of menopause among women are characterized by large individual differences. It is said that "your menopausal symptoms begin to resemble those experienced by your mother.'' If you have the opportunity, it would be a good idea to talk to the mother and find out things like "When did she get her baby?'' and "What symptoms did she have?'' from an early stage.

By doing so, you will be able to get an idea of ​​your approximate "menopause'' period.

Another way is to talk openly and without embarrassment with your friends, sharing your concerns and exchanging knowledge with each other.

From a homeopathic perspective, approaches to menopausal symptoms vary depending on "previous menstrual status,'' "whether or not you have ever used the pill,'' "lifestyle habits,'' "stress status,'' etc..


When it comes to lifestyle habits, it is important to be careful about what you eat and what you use around you.

Nowadays, there are many foods on the market that contain artificial additives. In addition, there are many products on the market called ``environmental hormones'' that can easily disrupt hormonal balance, including the cosmetics and detergents we use on a daily basis. Don't forget about the routes it takes, whether it's on your skin or through your lungs when you breathe it.

When it comes to the things you use regularly, try to use natural products and be careful not to be exposed to chemicals that can disrupt your hormones.


When people are under stress, they say "fight and fright," and when stress levels are high, the body prioritizes overcoming the stress and trying to survive. At this time, the body prioritizes the use of hormones to overcome stress, which disrupts the balance of reproductive hormones, causing menstruation to stop and female hormones to become imbalanced.

Stress management is a very important key to maintaining hormonal balance.

When menstruation stops for more than a year, it is said to be ``menopause,'' and the period 2 to 12 years before that is called ``pre-menopause.''

Women in their 40s who are approaching ``pre-menopause'' may reevaluate their future lives or ``return to work'' because their children have grown up and they are no longer involved. In addition, women who have continued working are now at the age where they are assigned important positions.

Unlike your 20s and 30s, where you have been running through your life with enthusiasm, many women are now at a turning point, rethinking their future lives, and are feeling stressed.

It is important to review your stress patterns and find ways to lower your stress level on a daily basis. Remember that you are the only one who can take care of yourself.

#3 - How can homeoapthy help menopause?

In homeopathy, we select a prescription that suits the individual based on the above-mentioned ``individual condition'' and ``characteristics of the symptoms currently occurring.''

It is important to discuss and review your lifestyle habits, and if you have a tendency to get stressed easily, we will review your patterns and provide support using homeopathic remedies.

There are a wide variety of remedies used for menopause, and the prescriptions vary greatly from person to person.

Among these, we will introduce some examples of remedies used for ``night sweats'' and ``hot flashes'' that are frequently asked about, but we strongly recommend that you seek advice from a homeopath and have them prescribe a prescription tailored to your individual needs.

Sepia :

The hot flashes are worse in the evening and at night, and the slightest movement causes me to sweat. You tend to get tired. Moving your body makes you feel better. Become miserable, indifferent, and callous to your loved ones.

Lachesis :

Hot flashes appear on your face and you feel a tightness in your abdomen. Worse at night. Insomnia, lack of concentration, and tendency to faint. You don't like tight clothes, especially around my neck. You tend to be active, playful and talkative and to have a headache when you wake up in the morning, and the symptoms often occur on the left side. Suspicious and jealous.

Pulsatilla :

Sweating and hot flashes appear on the face. Worse at night. It gets worse in warm rooms and indoors, and gets better outside and in fresh air. I tend to feel depressed and tearful. Swelling is also likely to occur. Being with people makes me feel calm.

Amyl Nitrosum :

When you feel like your neck is stuffed and you feel a fever. You may have hot flashes and headaches along with anxiety and palpitations. Symptoms are relieved by exposure to the outside air and worsened by clothes that are too tight around the neck, heat, a closed hot room, or slight emotional instability.

Belladonna :

You feel like your head is stuffed up and your face turns red. Hot flashes come and go suddenly. Your skin feels like burning, and only the areas covered by your clothes sweat or feel hot. It calms down when sitting and gets worse when lying down.

Calc Carb :

Only the head part sweats. You get tired easily, feel like blood is rushing to your face and head, and get hot flashes, and sweat. Worse after eating. You are sensitive to cold and your knees and feet feel cold. It gets better in dry weather, and gets worse in cold, damp weather, on a full moon, or when you use your head or body strength.

Glonoin :

When you feel heat only in your head and your face is normal and unchanged. Especially when my emotions are intense, You feel like your body is throbbing and my heart is pounding. Symptoms are worsened by heat, sunlight, irritants, and lying down, and relieved by exposure to fresh air or by raising the head.

Graphites :

Although his face is pale, he feels hot flashes. You have periods that have a strong smell. Easy to gain weight. The skin is dry and unhealthy. It is relieved by wrapping and gets worse at night.

Sulphur :

You get hot flashes from the warmth of your bed at night and feel a burning sensation and itching. Your head feels feverish, but your feet are cold. Your face and body are sweaty. You feel like the blood is rushing to your head and it feels congested. It is relieved by dry, warm weather and worsened by standing, showering, bathing, and the heat of the bed.

#4 - Conclusions ...

Keep in mind that views on menopause have changed over time, so try not to get too discouraged.

I wrote this blog with the hope that people of the same age as me, as well as young people, will feel better, even just a little. Don't just focus on what you can lose, focus on what you can gain, and try to stay positive.

The secret is:

From about 12 years onwards, before you reach menopause, take care of yourself, take care of yourself, and take time to love yourself. It is said that the way you spend your time during this period will stabilize your hormone balance, which will lessen the impact on your physical condition later on.

At Hiroko Homeopathy, we also provide homeopathic consultations tailored to individual conditions.

If you are interested, please make a reservation using the button below.

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Love and gratitude


Reference :

・Women Ripening through the Menopause, Melissa Assilem Helios Pharmacy, Third Edition 2003.

・Period Repair Manual, Lara Briden. Greenpeak Publishing. Revised Second Edition 2018

・Hormone Repair Manual, Lara Briden. Greenpeak Publishing. First Edition 2021

・The Modern Guide To Witchcraft Your Complete Guide to Witches, Covens & Spells, Skye Alexander, Adams Media. First Edition 2014

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