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Happiness Formula

What do you think of when you hear the word "happiness"? Is there a formula for happiness? In this blog, I will write about the basic conditions when thinking about ``happiness''.

keywords: self-discovery, the formula of happiness, what is happiness? happiness formula, how do I become happier? happy life? looking for happiness,

What comes to mind when you think of the word "happiness"? This blog is based on the content I wrote in the Japanese newsletter sent on July 5, 2024. Everyone has different standards for happiness. However, if you keep the basics in check, you will be able to see what is important to you. In this blog, I would like to talk about the happiness formula.

Tip #1 - What is important for happiness?

I recently watched a video recommended by a friend. In the video, the speaker mentioned that 99% of people are happy when their sexual desires, appetite, and sleep needs are satisfied. However, they are not happy because they are obsessed with the 1% related to work and money, and these desires are not fulfilled.

That's certainly true! Due to work and financial obligations, people struggle to meet their basic needs. They often sacrifice eating and sleeping, which leaves them feeling tired and irritable.

Tip #2 - Are there any standards?

The concept of happiness varies across individuals, and it's a subjective measure that only you can determine for yourself.

Even when others seem happy, they may not feel the same way.

Having a lot of money doesn't guarantee happiness and seemingly happy families may have underlying issues.

Happiness is not something that follows a standard or a formula; it's something that you create and experience for yourself.

Some people might already be happy without realising it and only realise its value after losing it.

I was reminded of this when I was watching the popular American TV series "Breaking Bad." The show depicted how, despite being a respected scientist and loved by his family, the main character felt inferior to his friends because of his income.

It was an intriguing portrayal of how this sense of inferiority couldn't be alleviated by earning more money afterwards.

How much does one have to work to feel "happy" when they are already working hard? This was written on a calendar at work.

"Craving acceptance, approval or recognition leaves us hollow." – unknown

What are your thoughts on this concept?

Tip #3 - Happiness from within

Of course, working towards a goal is great. However, it's important to take time to stop and quietly reflect on what is most important to you in order not to lose sight of yourself.

As the word "Ikigai" suggests, having something that you are passionate about will add colour to your life and give you the mental strength to accomplish something.

However, the measure mustn't be someone else's, but yourself.

Tip #4 - Conclusions...

There is no set formula for happiness. The standard of happiness varies from person to person. It's something you decide for yourself and something that makes you happy.

Take some time to think about what makes you happy!

Why not keep a journal to reflect on yourself? By writing down your honest thoughts, it becomes easier to see your true feelings.

In my blog "Let's keep a journal," I talk about tips on how to write. Click the button below for the blog.

What kind of happiness do you seek? Homeopathy can also be used for self-discovery and self-exploration. Would you like to talk to me? We also accept free 15 minute chats. To make a reservation, click the button below.

If you would like a homeopathic consultation, please make a reservation by clicking this button.

Happy using homeopathy!

Love and gratitude



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